FraserSoft: Help for Programmers


The following bugs are currently in GenHelp 4.0.6 and have been fixed in GenHelp 4.0.8

The table of contents can get icons corrupted after sorting.
Hidden global functions are displayed in Unit window but link doesn't work.
Creating a 'Normal' help file gives error.
Some Properties, Methods and Events inherited from built in VCL components get shown at incorrect level in PME window.

 GenHelp Pro

The following bugs are currently in GenHelpPro 5.1...:

Bitmap paste doesn't work - fixed in 5.2
C# formatting button disabled - fixed in 5.2.
If WinHelp file is version independent, the View Helpfile  menu doesn't work correctly - fixed in 5.2.
Code in text sections don't get formatted properly for HtmlHelp files  - fixed in 5.2
Templates have been improved for Visual Studio .NET so that topics that aren't classes don't refer to invalid topics - fixed in 5.2.
Bitmap files are not included in Delphi 8, Delphi 2005 and Visual Studio .NET output formats - fixed in 5.2.
Copying a template doesn't copie files in sub-directories - fixed in 5.2.
When adding a link, if the text at the cursor is a valid class or class property, method or event, that topic will be automatically setup in the link dialog.

NOTE: when creating HtmlHelp, a lot of intermediate .htm files are created so if your topic file has a lot of topics you may get an error "Couldn't open template file". This can happen if you run out of directory space with a FAT32 file system. If you use an NTFS file system you will not get this problem.

Please let us know of any that you find by emailing


©2010 FraserSoft - 03-09-2010